Unraveling Your Thyroid Health

5 Symptoms You Think Are Normal Oct 25, 2023


How did we think these symptoms were normal? I am with you on this. I thought diarrhoea was normal until I was 24 ?!! It was just something I lived with, and over the years felt like it was just the way my gut functioned. No one said any different. So I totally understand you. 


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Your Constitution: Prakruti & Vikruti Aug 30, 2023

Learning about your constitution is not something we delve into much in the west. But in the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, it is a pivotal part of understanding treatment options, and maintaining a balanced body and life. So, I wanted to quickly share a little about Prakruti and...

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Abhyanga (self massage) & muscle soreness Jul 26, 2023

Abhyanga, a traditional Ayurvedic practice, is a self-massage technique that involves using warm oils to massage the body. This practice offers various benefits, including helping with muscle soreness. Those with Hypothyroidism know the ever draining (sometimes daily) feeling of sore muscles that...

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Unraveling the Connection: Low Energy and Hypothyroidism causes energy fatigue holsitic health hypothyroidism thyroid health Jun 16, 2023

Feeling tired and low on energy is a common complaint that many people and especially women experience at some point in their lives. However, for those with hypothyroidism, persistent fatigue and low energy levels can be a daily struggle. Let's delve into the intricate relationship between low...

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